Sunday, August 25, 2013

10 Quick Tips to Breastfeeding

I've been cautious to write this posts because I was terrified I would jinx myself....but I think it's safe to say this chapter is behind us (for now) and I'm ready to share with the world what I've been sharing with one pregnant friend at a time. Enjoy!

10 Quick tips to Breastfeeding

1. First, commit to it. You can do this. Don't give yourself a way out. 

2. After he nurses for the very first time, apply lanolin then and every single time after. 

3. Switch positions every time he nurses. Football, Cradle, cross body. This will help you to not get sore in one spot and will help him be flexible. 

4. Nurse both sides and burp him in between. Example: nurse 15 minutes on right, burp, switch to left and let him nurse to contentment. Next feeding, start on left. This worked really well for me but you'll find your system!

5. Put the Soothies in the refrigerator and apply after lanolin. Heaven. They can only be used for 72 hrs and you have to wipe off the residue before nursing again. 

6. Its perfectly ok to get sore. If he's latching well then just try to ride it out. If you take him off and relatch it's going to hurt all over again. Myth of lactation consultants! 

It's also perfectly ok to cry because it hurts. It will get better, don't give up. 

7.Apply lanolin before showering. That shower water can feel like knives without it. 

8.If he's nursing for 45+ mins, it's ok to give him a pacifier. All he wants is to suck and your nipples will thank you for giving him one. 

9. Lastly, if you've tried everything and it's just not working, it's ok to supplement. You are not a failure and your husband will not "ship you". 

10. Oh and one more, have your husband help you. You've only got two hands and sometimes you'll need four. 

There's a strange bond between nursing women. It makes it ok to talk about nipples, boobs, etc. if you have any questions, just ask! I might not have the answer but it could help just to talk it out. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you're not a teacher - and roll your eyes every time you hear a teacher complaining about having to go back to work after being off work all summer - stop reading here. I'll save you the eye roll!

It's that time of year know when reality slaps ya right upside the head?!? You've all experienced it, as a student, parent, or TEACHER. You know what it feels like. The excitement to see the friends you haven't been able to keep in touch with. The dread of having to be in 7 places at one time. The fear of grading homework and writing lesson plans, while actually teaching those wonderful teenagers each day.

"BACK TO SCHOOL, BACK TO SCHOOL, to prove to dad I'm not a fool" - Adam Sandler, please tell me you knew that already!

I've been back at it for 10 days. And let me just tell you...those have been 10 action packed, balls to the walls days. That is, after all, the only way I do things. I started at a new school, with new kids, new staff, new responsibilities, and new adventures. What an awesome, fresh start! Don't get me wrong, I worked with some excellent colleagues and students at my previous job. 

But, then I moved home. HOME! People know me here, they stop in to say hi and ask if I need anything. I get friendly waves and hello's at the Dollar Store, town Mexican restaurant, and gas station. An abundance of folks have offered a helping hand whenever I might need one. It feels so right. My heart is bursting with the feeling of fulfillment. 

My son is literally two minutes down the road. TWO MINUTES. Refer to Hard Days if you're not sure why I am so excited about this minor fact. I can spontaneously have dinner with my 83 yr old Grandma and her OLDER sister. I've got back-up child care if I'm running late at school and my husband and I can actually go on DATES...overnight ones...more to come!

I'm not bragging. I hope if you don't live at home, this doesn't tug your heart strings. I appreciate living close because I've been away. I've found my purpose, my happy place. Have you found yours? 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pay it Forward

Not quite a year ago, I picked Gman up from one of his very first days trying out his new daycare. As I was heading out to the car - flustered, as a new mom typically is...I noticed a $5 bill floating along on the sidewalk. I knew this was NOT my money and would soon blow away into the nearby cornfields, but I had already snapped him into his carseat base and could not go back inside to take the money in. I wrestled with whether or not I should take it, decided it would be picked up by a bird if I didn't, and then felt terrible ALL. THE. WAY. HOME. after I claimed it. I folded it into my wallet and considered myself guilty of Grand Theft Auto for at least 24 hours. That guilt was almost immediately forgotten when I realized my baby needed fed, burped, changed, rocked to sleep, fed, burped, changed, bathed and I also needed to do all of those things for myself. 

Fast forward a couple months...On my way to torture work, in the McD's drive-thru (because every new mom deserves McD's for breakfast, right?), majorly sleep deprived, and missing my baby like crazy. I think it was a Monday morning which made it even WORSE than usual. I noticed the person pulling in behind me was driving an older, used and abused vehicle, and had a scowl on their face that could match mine. That famed $5 bill reappeared in my wallet and I decided to pay it forward. I used the money to buy her breakfast. It wasn't my money to begin with and it filled my heart with so much joy seeing the smile on her face in my rear view mirror. Literally turned my whole week around. Simple things in life.

Since then, I've tried to buy for the person behind me at least 1 of every 3-4 times I'm in the drive-thru (the frequency of my drive-thru visits has been drastically reduced). I also look for other ways to "pay it forward" when it appears that someone is having a bad day. Holding open the door, an innocent smile, returning their cart to the cart corral, etc. Now, I'm no saint - and certainly don't need any recognition. There are others who do WAY more than I ever thought of. BUT - it's important to be reminded sometimes that small gestures make BIG differences.

What can you do to brighten someone's day? What small, unexpected gesture would you appreciate someone doing for you? I can't wait to hear how YOU are making a difference!