10 Quick tips to Breastfeeding
1. First, commit to it. You can do this. Don't give yourself a way out.
2. After he nurses for the very first time, apply lanolin then and every single time after.
3. Switch positions every time he nurses. Football, Cradle, cross body. This will help you to not get sore in one spot and will help him be flexible.
4. Nurse both sides and burp him in between. Example: nurse 15 minutes on right, burp, switch to left and let him nurse to contentment. Next feeding, start on left. This worked really well for me but you'll find your system!
5. Put the Soothies in the refrigerator and apply after lanolin. Heaven. They can only be used for 72 hrs and you have to wipe off the residue before nursing again.
6. Its perfectly ok to get sore. If he's latching well then just try to ride it out. If you take him off and relatch it's going to hurt all over again. Myth of lactation consultants!
It's also perfectly ok to cry because it hurts. It will get better, don't give up.
7.Apply lanolin before showering. That shower water can feel like knives without it.
8.If he's nursing for 45+ mins, it's ok to give him a pacifier. All he wants is to suck and your nipples will thank you for giving him one.
9. Lastly, if you've tried everything and it's just not working, it's ok to supplement. You are not a failure and your husband will not "ship you".
10. Oh and one more, have your husband help you. You've only got two hands and sometimes you'll need four.
There's a strange bond between nursing women. It makes it ok to talk about nipples, boobs, etc. if you have any questions, just ask! I might not have the answer but it could help just to talk it out.