Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mom Time

I've posted previously about struggling with how to be a wife, mom, teacher, advisor, friend, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, granddaughter, and person all at the same time. In order to remain sane, it is necessary to spend some time just being Me. I have some go to activities that I like to do when I get a chance to just be me. I like to enjoy breakfast or lunch on my new patio in the quiet. I love to grab a Shaken Iced Black Tea from Starbucks and stroll through Target. I really enjoy getting my nails and toes done a couple times a month. I used to like to run (when I was in shape). I love to read. 

None of these things, in my opinion, are crazy unusual or high maintenance. Every thing on the list was done on the regular before I joined the mom ranks. Now, when I get the opportunity to do these things I INSTANTLY feel guilt, regret, and shame wash over me. How can I, a really busy lady, justify taking a couple hours at a nail salon when I could be coloring on the floor with one of my favorite people in the world? Do I even deserve this? What kind of mom am I to ditch my kid for an afternoon of shopping? I usually set a time limit in my head for a reasonable amount of "me time." If I go over that by 1 minute, I regret the entire experience. 

The internal struggle I feel is immense. I deserve this...but do I? There are women all over the place who are desperate to become a mom, but struggle with infertility or miscarriage. Moms who are desperate for one more minute with a little one that was taken too soon. So, friends and followers...how do you justify "me time" without feeling guilty? 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, G!

I love nothing more than putting together a successful event where our family and friends can get together and enjoy one another's company. G man's birthday was no different. Being back "home" in the County I grew up in means that our little man will almost always celebrate his birthday during the 4-H fair. What's a little added stress, anyway ?

Graham loves Choo Choo's right now so we planned a Thomas the Train Birthday party. I wanted it to be centered around Thomas, but not Thomas overload. I think we had a good balance.

 I found a lot of inspiration from Pinterest, but came to the realization that I am NOT a full time party planner with an unlimited budget. By Saturday around noon, I was in complete bitch mode because I had placed entirely too much pressure on myself. I had a major reality check when I yelled at Graham for "ruining" one of HIS party decorations. Seriously, it was HIS birthday and I was freaking out. I took a deep breath (and drank a beer), told myself to RELAX, and focus more on having a happy toddler and less on a perfect birthday. While I love planning parties and making decorations, I am no where near a super human. So, next year...we're ordering pizza. (haha, like that will ever happen!)