Right now, you have the BIGGEST heart and the most amazing sense of humor. Your imagination is just beginning to develop and you LOVE to tell me stories. You aren't much of a morning person, but you are incredibly consistent. When you get woken up (Daddy does this), you run in to our room with your blanket, sleepy eyes, and crazy hair! It only takes you about 2 minutes awake to insist that you need to put on your jeans, shoes (mostly boots), and your Colts baseball cap. When we get in the car, you like to pick our radio station depending on what is playing. Prior to taking you to Kim's, you always say...mommy, is that where you teach the children? Last week I was in a rush when I dropped you off and I forgot to give you a hug. I was only at school for about 5 minutes when I received a video from Ms. Kim (the best child care provider in the world!) of you telling me you loved me and to have a good day.
Because I spend so much time at school, you get to go with me a lot. You know the FFA kids by name and have conned them in to paying you for a high five. You tell them when to "knock it off" and even call them hillbillies every now and then.
You love your Daddy so much right now and want to be JUST like him. You refuse to wear underwear and insist on boxers. I could throw all of your sweat pants away because you won't even consider wearing them. When Daddy wears a belt, you wear a belt. You even asked for a wallet to "put on my back side" just like Dad. The wallet has been a pretty big hit because it is the cutest thing in the world. While you love your Daddy, you love your Mommy just as much. Mommy has to give you a bath. Only Mommy is allowed to read books and do our bed time routine. Right now we lay down, sing Jesus Loves Me, and then say our prayers. They sound something like this.
Dear Jesus, Thank you for today. Thank you for going to Ms. Kims/Grammys and playing toys with my friends/Brody. Mommy, did you comb my hair? Thank you for the new baby calves. Watch over all my family. Mommy, Where's my family? Please help me sleep good tonight. In Jesus Name, Amen.
As we get ready for you to become a big brother, we talk to you about how things will be different with the baby (which you have kindly named Brother Princess to cover all of the bases) . You're prepared to share your crib with the baby especially since you got a new big bed and the changing table since you don't wear diapers anymore. You've recently decided that it will be ok for your baby to share your bathroom, but only to take baths. The baby can't have any of your tractors or your toothbrush. Today, instead of just giving me a hug when I picked you up, you kissed my belly first. I hope you always love your little brother or sister that much.
For as much love as you have, you are also hilarious. You ask kids your age, Hey What's your problem (totally out of context). You really love to let everyone, even the dogs know when something is yours. Muffins are your favorite breakfast food and lemonade is your preferred beverage. Monsters University is your absolute favorite movie and you really like it to be playing any time we are home. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is another favorite that you can watch on our phones. We can't possibly have enough tractors, trucks, cows, or hay bales in our house. You have to check all of your "animals" when we get home. You are super dramatic and love to tell on Daddy. Any time you get in trouble with Daddy you run to Mommy and usually say, Daddy's being mean to me! You're becoming quite the negotiator and ask to play for 3 minutes before it's bath time. Tonight you told me that you were staying at Grammy's house FOREVER. You are a very active, fun, energetic, smart, hilarious, loving kid.
I love you forever. I like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.