It usually happens about this time of night. After I have FINALLY gotten my oldest to bed. You know, he has to shower, no he needs to pee first, then brush his teeth, then stand naked in the bathroom for "2 minutes" to make sure the water is just right. After I have read a book, making sure not to skip ANY WORDS because he only chooses books that he has memorized. After I have allowed him to have a drink of fresh water and give his "baby tucker" 3 kisses. After we have sang Jesus loves me and said our prayers. After I let him turn the light off and kiss "baby Tucker" 3 more times. After he remembers that he forgot to tell the porch kitties goodnight.
After I have swaddled my youngest. After he is done eating and completely cashed out. It is then that I stare at him, completely memorized by how perfect my day has been. Even when it isn't. Because with the background noise of the sound machine, his sweet deep, even breaths that I can feel because he is still so close to me, and my inability to put him in his crib, I forget why I was so stressed 30 minutes ago when G asked the 30th question in 3 minutes. I forget all of the things that went wrong during the day. And I refuse to put him down because as soon as I do, this moment is over. There are dishes to do, laundry to fold, steps to take, and things to prepare for tomorrow. Right here, right now, none of that matters. So, if you can't find me, I'll be holding on to this moment right here in this rocking chair. It's simply too good to let go of.