Sunday, May 3, 2015

Excuse Me.

Nearly everyone warned me that threes were going to be worse than twos. I believed them. I also underestimated how much worse it could possibly get. Threes are going to be tough. The good news is that by the time he classifies as a "terrible three year old", I'll be able to drink again. I say that in the most non alcoholic mother of ways. But sometimes, I think...if I could just drink a beer while he is screaming, kicking, hitting, spitting, and throwing things at me I will be able to resist doing all of those things right along with him. 

So, please excuse me when you see us out in public and he is having a moment. Excuse my rudeness when I walk right by you without saying more than "hi" because I have GOT TO GET OUT OF THERE. I really don't mean to be rude. I would LOVE to have a polite conversation with you, but did you notice the little monster that is currently clawing my face off on our way out the store? Yea, apparently now is not a good time. And I can't help but notice that your kids are acting perfect, so please let me just go cry this one out in the privacy of my car. I promise to return the favor because I know that just because everything looks ok in your world right now, doesn't mean that it is always that way. I will understand the next time our roles are reversed and you pass by, barely keeping it together on the way to cry it out in the privacy of your car. 

I know I am going to miss this. I know I am going to want this back and wish it all hadn't gone by so fast, but can you please remind me of those things when he is sweetly snuggled up to me in the evenings? Or when he wants to hold my hand and kiss my baby bump. Because, I swear, if you tell me (his very pregnant mother) in the middle of one of his tantrums that I am going to miss this, I might punch you in the throat. I'd like to think that I am better than that, but there is only so much this very pregnant mama can take at once. 

Oh, and I know it isn't going to get any easier when the next one gets here so you can feel free to suck that comment right back down your windpipe and keep it to yourself. Now I think I will attempt to find my sanity (and maybe pack my hospital bag) while my "sweet little baby" is taking a nap. Cheers!

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