Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homemade Disaster

Seriously, the homemade, DIY craze is getting a little bit out of hand. I log in to facebook to see recipes, projects, design ideas shared all over my "friend's" walls. If you're one of those, you are now hidden. Can't handle the social media cross-over. There's a lovely site called Pinterest. Get an account. Pin until your heart is content, but please don't share it on facebook. I'm ok with the occasional picture of your crafty, ORIGINAL, projects, but let's reign it in a little.

Now, I've been making G-man's food since he was born - literally. Nursed, then started pureeing anything that the internet told me was good for him. Kid eats better than I do. But let me tell you something...when I've made him a meal, neatly diced in small, pick up pieces, and he screams and throws it on the floor at 9 months old...I consider throwing myself on the floor to eat the tiny pieces that will be stuck to my feet until I shower...who knows when I'll have time for that. Target carries these awesome, already diced veggie and fruit pick-ups. Do you think there is a Target conveniently located within driving distance to me?!? Of course not! They're also the only store that carries Pampers Swaddlers in a Size 4. Why must this town torture me? Just bring me a Target, is that too much to ask?

To wrap it all up, I'm jealous you have time to share DIY projects on facebook, let alone actually do them at home and I love my son to the moon and back. Which is why I will continue to make his food and laugh at him and myself during meal times. In my spare time, I plan to invent a meal coat to replace a bib. Seriously, those things are like pissing in the wind. 

Until next time, keep your powder dry.

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