Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Smut Television

I'm just as guilty as the next person...I like to watch what my mother considers to be "smut TV" (don't let her fool you, she does too!). If we're being really honest, there isn't much time to watch TV these days but I will always have time for my favorites. 

The DVR is packed with The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Grey's Anatomy, Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor/ette, The Pioneer Woman, Teen Mom 2, Modern Family, and a few others I can't recall. If I'm bored (rarely ever never) I will watch RHO-whatever city is on, Desperate Housewives re-runs, etc. This typically happens at approximately 2 am when my baby is refusing to sleep. 

It's that time of year when all of my favorites are wrapping up for the summer and the new summer shows are coming out. A couple days ago I was making dinner and had the TV on as background noise when something caught my attention. "Mistresses" coming this summer. What. The. Hell? A show highlighting the infidelities in marriages? A group of friends that get together to talk about whose wife they are sleeping with? Are you freaking kidding me? Is this real life? Did ABC really sign on for a show like this?

Now that I think of it, there are many other shows of this nature. Scandal and Revenge are crowd favorites and they are based around infidelities as well. I don't recall any of my childhood favorites broadcasting the breaking of any of the 10 commandments. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman wasn't running around planning trysts with the townsfolk. What the hell is wrong with this picture? 

I'm freaking old. Back to one of my favorites - Modern Family. Ugh, I'm such a hypocrite.

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