Monday, July 8, 2013

G Man Months 0-3

Since it's my baby's birthday week, I am going to recap months 0-3. Mostly for my own reflection on what a sweet, immobile, snuggle, newborn was like. That seems like yesterday! Baby fever anyone??

Month 1 - Little Travelin' Man

I got to stay an extra 36 hours in the hospital with jaundice. My Grammy Tammy stayed with us for a week and helped my Mommy out. After Grammy Tammy went home, I decided to start puking on my Mommy and ended up back in the hospital (2wks) just so they could tell my Mom that I am a completely normal baby boy. I went to my first county fair in Martinsville (3wks), spent the first night at my Grammy and Grandfather’s house in Columbus (3 wks), made it to the Indiana State Fair to watch the cattle show (3wks), took my Grandfather Mark to lunch for his birthday with my cousin Owen in Indianapolis (3 wks), went to my first wedding (4 wks), and spent the night with my Grandma and Grandpa Dickerson (4wks). I like to eat every +/- 4 hours and sometimes I sleep 6 hours at night. I smile at my Mama and Daddy and coo in my sleep. Today, I decided I had enough tummy time and rolled over to my back. I probably won’t do that again for a long time. I am a good boy and rarely cry. I have had 2 play dates with my 2nd cousin Will. I never want my mommy to go back to school (ok, maybe that’s my mom talking)!

Clearly a victim of the baby talk that a sign of postpartum blissdom? or just annoying....

Month 2 - Travels well with Others 

How he has changed! He weighs 12 lbs 11 oz and is 23 inches long. He eats every 4 hours and will still go an occasional 6 hour stretch at night. In the last month - Graham has been to 2 cattle sales, shopping on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago, another wedding reception, Weston’s Baby Shower, and out to dinner with my Mom and Dad at Red Lobster! Graham likes to go for walks with his Mama and doggy. He finds bright things and focuses on them and likes to keep his eye on his Mom and Dad. He is becoming more tolerant of tummy time and loves bath time. He is in 0-3 months/3 months clothing and can't wear newborn clothes anymore. Contrary to this picture, he smiles a lot - just not for the camera. He is his father's son!

 Look at that alien sweet face! 

Month 3 - I smile!

This month has been a BIG one! Graham got his first cold after coming home from Chicago and it seemed to last forever. 10 days of coughing and hacking. We got a Crane cool mist humidifier and it worked magic. Graham really developed a personality this month and smiled a lot. He visited daycare a few times in preparation to start full time. I (mom) went back to work on October 15 – two days after he turned 3 months old and one day after he stopped sleeping through the night. The whole month he had been sleeping 6-8 hours until I went back to work. We’re still working on sleeping! We went to get pumpkins and Daddy picked out the perfect one. Mom going back to work has definitely been an adjustment. Grandma Tammy and Grandma Diana helped out by watching him a couple days the first week. He goes to an excellent Daycare and Ms. Cathy takes great care of him! If it can’t be me, I couldn't pick anyone better. Doctor next month and Shots ...eeek!
 And now I must be reminded that babies don't stay babies forever...
Oh, hey Mama...I'll get my own snacks - thanks

 Phot0 Courtesy of Shannon Henry Photography

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