I love Food. I've always Loved Food. I will always love Food. While I love the art of Eating (yea, I said it was an art), I love the feeling of sitting down to a meal with my friends or family even more. It is how I was raised, we got together and shared meals on special occasions and most of our best conversations happened around the dinner table (I'll write about that another day). I'm proud of my love for food. You know when the host of a gathering tells everyone to get in the buffet line?...I lead the way. Boom - fill my plate and dive in.
Here's what I don't love about eating...the accumulation of pounds that inevitably falls in my midsection when I over indulge myself. It is something I have and will always struggle with...how to enjoy food and be skinny. I'm not one of those girls that is going to cry the blues about my weight bouncing up and down my whole life and turn this in to a "get skinny blog". I like to read those, but am nowhere near qualified to write one! I didn't get bullied for being a fat kid, I woulda knocked those bitches out. I'm just saying that making healthy choices is a struggle sometimes. Because of this, I try to offer the HEALTHIEST choices I can for my son. My parents instilled good, healthy habits in my life from the get go. I appreciate that very much. I fall off the wagon sometimes and I'm positive as he grows up, he will too.
Let's get down to the Nitty Gritty - people judge me all the time for offering healthy options to my son. Aw, poor little guy can't have ice cream for dinner? No syrup on his waffle at breakfast? He's almost ONE year old and he's never eaten an entire birthday cake before? Are you Nursing? You're still Nursing?!? What's that?...Avocado?...Gerber doesn't make that!
I'm not deaf, folks - I hear those "under your breath, she won't hear me" comments also. Yes, my red headed kid needs to wear sunscreen, and no he can't put unknown substances in his mouth. And what is it that makes YOU qualified to judge ME on these choices? After all, I am his MOM who just wants the absolute BEST for our son. I make mistakes - I'm not perfect, but I damn sure try my hardest to parent him with an open mind. After all, I've seen formula fed babies have a healthy streak longer than we could even dream of and a 1 yr old straight up OWN a peanut butter sandwich. These babies belong to my best friends and I 100% support their parenting style.
If you were me, how would you do it different? Hot Dogs and Mac N Cheese for dinner every night with M&M's for dessert? Excuse me while I train my toddler how to use the treadmill...obviously kidding here
A journey to never accomplish the " Mom of the Year" title, but still have a few laughs while trying.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Birthday Bonanza
Sorry I've been as emotional as a middle school girl lately. I promise to lock that shit up and stay positive from here on out (unrealistic expectation). Here's a look inside my little man's birthday party!
I've been planning my Gman's birthday party for a few months now. I love parties and when I grow up, I want to be a party planner. Or run a cafe/cupcake shop. Or be a rockstar. Hey, we dream big up in he-ah!
I try not to over-do it, but sometimes I lose control. My husband's only request when I tell him I am planning a "gathering" is always, "Don't go crazy". He knows me too well. I come from a rather large family so I knew we would be expecting 40-50 people. Sounds outrageous to most, but pretty normal to me. I spent many hours on Pinterest trying to come up with a super creative "Theme"...Then I realized we were moving and I needed something Cute and Simple. My gracious sister in law offered her left over decorations from my nephew's bday party and from there, Cookie Monster came alive!
We kept the Birthday Boy's Buffet simple: Hamburgers/Hot Dogs, Mama's Mac N' Cheese, Perfect (Spicy) Baked Beans, Fruit/Veggie Trays, Kristen's Apple Salad, and DIY Cookies.
Totally stole those veggie/fruit platter ideas from Pinterest. Too cute to resist and super easy to put together. The only draw back was that no one would touch them. I had to practically mess each one of them up just to get people to load up on their fruits and vegetables. I meant to get a picture of the Decorate Your Own Cookie Bar, complete with sugar cookies, blue/white icing, and sprinkles...but those things were gobbled up in NO TIME! Note to self,make order more cookies next time.
The weather couldn't have been more perfect. It wasn't too hot and we practically spent all day outside. I spent a good few hours the morning of his party filling water balloons for the bigger kids. I even cutely arranged them in the shape of the number 1. About an hour before his party, I decided to sneak outside to snap a photo of my creation only to find that every. single. last. one of them had popped. I can't make this up. There were no. none. zilch. zero water balloons still intact. I'm kind of bitter...can you tell?!?
So, we picked up the balloon pieces, filled that sucker with water and it took approximately .0009876 seconds for the party to start. The kids had so. much. fun. I was a little jealous as the host and all that I couldn't play too. Some friends saved the day with a sprinkler and the boys ran, jumped, and played their little hearts out all day.
G was graciously showered with many gifts and we can't wait to unpack them so he can start playing with them. We decided it wasn't very practical to open them all up just to pack them the following day. I didn't get any more photos of decor or the goodie bags which were filled with a variety of things and tied off with a balloon for each little guy (and one precious 2 week old niece of mine) to take home. Squirt guns, play dough, finger paint, piggy paint, and bubbles were sent home with each of G's guests to make respective messes in their own homes. Score!
I couldn't have done this birthday party weekend without the help of my MOM, husband, dad, Kristen, and countless others that helped clean up in preparation for the Open House we were having the following day. Yea, we're crazy!
I've been planning my Gman's birthday party for a few months now. I love parties and when I grow up, I want to be a party planner. Or run a cafe/cupcake shop. Or be a rockstar. Hey, we dream big up in he-ah!
I try not to over-do it, but sometimes I lose control. My husband's only request when I tell him I am planning a "gathering" is always, "Don't go crazy". He knows me too well. I come from a rather large family so I knew we would be expecting 40-50 people. Sounds outrageous to most, but pretty normal to me. I spent many hours on Pinterest trying to come up with a super creative "Theme"...Then I realized we were moving and I needed something Cute and Simple. My gracious sister in law offered her left over decorations from my nephew's bday party and from there, Cookie Monster came alive!
We kept the Birthday Boy's Buffet simple: Hamburgers/Hot Dogs, Mama's Mac N' Cheese, Perfect (Spicy) Baked Beans, Fruit/Veggie Trays, Kristen's Apple Salad, and DIY Cookies.
Totally stole those veggie/fruit platter ideas from Pinterest. Too cute to resist and super easy to put together. The only draw back was that no one would touch them. I had to practically mess each one of them up just to get people to load up on their fruits and vegetables. I meant to get a picture of the Decorate Your Own Cookie Bar, complete with sugar cookies, blue/white icing, and sprinkles...but those things were gobbled up in NO TIME! Note to self,
The weather couldn't have been more perfect. It wasn't too hot and we practically spent all day outside. I spent a good few hours the morning of his party filling water balloons for the bigger kids. I even cutely arranged them in the shape of the number 1. About an hour before his party, I decided to sneak outside to snap a photo of my creation only to find that every. single. last. one of them had popped. I can't make this up. There were no. none. zilch. zero water balloons still intact. I'm kind of bitter...can you tell?!?
So, we picked up the balloon pieces, filled that sucker with water and it took approximately .0009876 seconds for the party to start. The kids had so. much. fun. I was a little jealous as the host and all that I couldn't play too. Some friends saved the day with a sprinkler and the boys ran, jumped, and played their little hearts out all day.
G was graciously showered with many gifts and we can't wait to unpack them so he can start playing with them. We decided it wasn't very practical to open them all up just to pack them the following day. I didn't get any more photos of decor or the goodie bags which were filled with a variety of things and tied off with a balloon for each little guy (and one precious 2 week old niece of mine) to take home. Squirt guns, play dough, finger paint, piggy paint, and bubbles were sent home with each of G's guests to make respective messes in their own homes. Score!
Kid and his dad even have the same facial expressions. Maybe I'll get a daughter that is JUST like me, someday... |
We tried! |
I couldn't have done this birthday party weekend without the help of my MOM, husband, dad, Kristen, and countless others that helped clean up in preparation for the Open House we were having the following day. Yea, we're crazy!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Headed West
It's 10:54...I've been running balls to the walls since last Thursday...and I can't sleep. My head is spinning. That's an understatement. I'm going to be real with you guys - I have such mixed emotion about this big move. Tonight, I had dinner with my best friend which was typical for a Tuesday night. Or any night really...we chatted like nothing was going to change...all the while, the knot in my stomach grew bigger. Fun Fact about me - I'm a crier when I'm pissed off, but when I'm sad I just shut down. My stomach turns in knots, and I get the same glazed over look on my face. Every single time I wish I wasn't so cold hearted and could cry tears. And then, when it's 10:54 pm, I cry.
She and I were pregnant together, helped decorate our boys' nurseries, planned each others showers, supported one another during birth, and the first 6 weeks of the terrifying reality of taking care of another human being. We run errands, go to Sam's Club, the outlet mall, and Ikea together. We do all this among dinner dates, girl's nights, movie trips, and play dates. I know that no matter how many miles are between us we have a bond that will allow us to continue our friendship until we're old and new friends each time we talk thanks to senility. I just can't help but be sad that I can't call her to come over when I need to know which paint color to use, meet her for dinner at the last minute because I've had a crappy day, or crash her house for play dates without planning at least a few days ahead. I think Verizon will reconsider the term "unlimited minutes" on my phone plan.
The thought of going "home" is comforting. I know the town, its familiar. But it hasn't been "home" to me for 7 years. And in those 7 years things have changed. My circle of friends made new memories without me - I'm on the outside of the circle no matter what they say. My family isn't used to having us around and have an established familiar routine amongst themselves and their friends. It'll take a while to become a part of the "routine".
While there were a lot of things I didn't particularly love about my job - there were great people and great students. I enjoyed my "lunch bunch" and comfort of seeing the same, kind, supportive faces each day. Now, I'm the new girl again. New students who don't know me. New "lunch bunches" to try to fit in to. New routine, New responsibilities, New Expectations, New Stress.
And my house - it holds such a special place in my heart. Driving away from here might be the cause of a long overdue break down. The recent Sealy Commercial, "Life Before your Eyes" is just the tip of the iceberg of how I feel about this place. It's our first home. We bought it together. It has seen the good, the bad, the ugly, and New year's Eve. We've slammed doors, only to be shortly followed by making up. We've grown as a couple, as individuals. We grew as a family and, now, it holds the memories of bringing our son home and into his first room. It's housed many sleepless nights, cries, laughs, and more joy than should possibly fit within 4 walls.
Deep down, I know this is the right thing. But, it's a hell of a lot harder than I imagined the "right thing" being. It hasn't been an easy transition and I know that while we wait for our house to sell and move into my parent's home, there will be more struggles to come. "The struggles make ya stronger"...and I'm sure one day I will look back and remember this as an exciting and joyful time. We're so very grateful for this opportunity and the blessing of our new jobs, my parent's offer to accept us into their home, and the continuous support of our friends and family. Bittersweet, incredibly bittersweet.
It's time to look forward, not behind. What is it that might be keeping you from looking ahead?
She and I were pregnant together, helped decorate our boys' nurseries, planned each others showers, supported one another during birth, and the first 6 weeks of the terrifying reality of taking care of another human being. We run errands, go to Sam's Club, the outlet mall, and Ikea together. We do all this among dinner dates, girl's nights, movie trips, and play dates. I know that no matter how many miles are between us we have a bond that will allow us to continue our friendship until we're old and new friends each time we talk thanks to senility. I just can't help but be sad that I can't call her to come over when I need to know which paint color to use, meet her for dinner at the last minute because I've had a crappy day, or crash her house for play dates without planning at least a few days ahead. I think Verizon will reconsider the term "unlimited minutes" on my phone plan.
The thought of going "home" is comforting. I know the town, its familiar. But it hasn't been "home" to me for 7 years. And in those 7 years things have changed. My circle of friends made new memories without me - I'm on the outside of the circle no matter what they say. My family isn't used to having us around and have an established familiar routine amongst themselves and their friends. It'll take a while to become a part of the "routine".
While there were a lot of things I didn't particularly love about my job - there were great people and great students. I enjoyed my "lunch bunch" and comfort of seeing the same, kind, supportive faces each day. Now, I'm the new girl again. New students who don't know me. New "lunch bunches" to try to fit in to. New routine, New responsibilities, New Expectations, New Stress.
And my house - it holds such a special place in my heart. Driving away from here might be the cause of a long overdue break down. The recent Sealy Commercial, "Life Before your Eyes" is just the tip of the iceberg of how I feel about this place. It's our first home. We bought it together. It has seen the good, the bad, the ugly, and New year's Eve. We've slammed doors, only to be shortly followed by making up. We've grown as a couple, as individuals. We grew as a family and, now, it holds the memories of bringing our son home and into his first room. It's housed many sleepless nights, cries, laughs, and more joy than should possibly fit within 4 walls.
Deep down, I know this is the right thing. But, it's a hell of a lot harder than I imagined the "right thing" being. It hasn't been an easy transition and I know that while we wait for our house to sell and move into my parent's home, there will be more struggles to come. "The struggles make ya stronger"...and I'm sure one day I will look back and remember this as an exciting and joyful time. We're so very grateful for this opportunity and the blessing of our new jobs, my parent's offer to accept us into their home, and the continuous support of our friends and family. Bittersweet, incredibly bittersweet.
It's time to look forward, not behind. What is it that might be keeping you from looking ahead?
Sunday, July 14, 2013
10, 11, 12!
I'm a little late, but who's counting right?!?
10 Months - Hard Days
11 Months - Summer Nights
Mama finally has freedom and you can finally be on your own schedule! You are sleeping better, eating better, and are overall happier being on your own schedule! I’ve caught you standing on your own a couple of times and the rest of the time you are wreaking havoc on our home! You love to play with everything EXCEPT your toys…bathroom cabinets, drawers, Tupperware, pans and lids, spoons, and anything you can push around. I can’t believe you are 11 months old. You love to give Mama kisses, go for stroller rides while Mama jogs, and thoroughly enjoy being the center of attention. You are the center of our universe and we wouldn’t have it any other way! You and Daddy have a pretty special bond. You get excited when he gets home and love to play with him all evening. Drum roll please…you finally say Ma-Ma! You went swimming for the first time and LOVED it! I see a lot of pool time in our future!
Month 12 - Totally Toddler
10 Months - Hard Days
You are
becoming such a little man! Between teething, traveling, separation anxiety,
and ear infections we had a stressful month. Mama can’t seem to keep you
healthy and each time you get a tooth we get an ear infection, fever, and
overall ball of tears for a few days. This month we learned that you are indeed
allergic to penicillin as it gave you a nasty rash that resembled hives. You
officially have 4 teeth, have learned to climb the stairs (eek!), and are very
interested in walking from one thing to another. You love table food and any
time someone eats, you think you should be eating too! Your favorites are
grapes, tomatoes, grilled cheese, rice, and arrowroot cookies! When you were
about 9 months and 1.5 weeks, you began refusing a bottle during the day and
you haven’t had one since. You refuse to drink from anything but a sippy cup
and demand to nurse any time Mama is around. You light up when Mama picks you
up from daycare (dropping off is a completely different story!) and Daddy gets
home from work. You love your cat, Sheila, and enjoy watching Daddy mow the
yard through the screen door. You officially said Uh-Oh this month and it is
now a favorite word. You’re still a huge fan of bath time and started sleeping
better this month (for the most part). We even got 1 FULL night without
interruption. Mama can’t wait to be done with school and spend more time you.
Mama finally has freedom and you can finally be on your own schedule! You are sleeping better, eating better, and are overall happier being on your own schedule! I’ve caught you standing on your own a couple of times and the rest of the time you are wreaking havoc on our home! You love to play with everything EXCEPT your toys…bathroom cabinets, drawers, Tupperware, pans and lids, spoons, and anything you can push around. I can’t believe you are 11 months old. You love to give Mama kisses, go for stroller rides while Mama jogs, and thoroughly enjoy being the center of attention. You are the center of our universe and we wouldn’t have it any other way! You and Daddy have a pretty special bond. You get excited when he gets home and love to play with him all evening. Drum roll please…you finally say Ma-Ma! You went swimming for the first time and LOVED it! I see a lot of pool time in our future!
![]() | |||||
First College Visit - Baby Genius |
Month 12 - Totally Toddler
How is it even
remotely possible that 365 days have passed since the first moment I held you
in my arms? As we prepared for your first birthday and party I found myself
being incredibly nostalgic. We’re going through a big change by moving and
changing jobs, but as your mama and dada we can’t imagine our life without you.
I’ve reflected on so many nights in the past year and can’t help to feel emotional
that it went so fast and excited for the next day, month, and year with you!
You took your first steps on 6/29 and typically appear like a drunken sailor
when you’re trying to walk. Hilarious! You love table food, refuse to be fed,
sleep 12 hours each night (with 1 wake-up) and take a 2 hour nap during the
day. Your birthday party was a huge success and you loved all of the attention.
Surprisingly, you didn’t polish off the entire birthday cake since you eat
adult sized meals 3 times a day with a couple of snacks in between. I think I
should go ahead and get a second job to afford to feed your teenage self!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Crawling into 7, 8 & 9
Kid is on the move and our lives haven't slowed down since! Cheers to burning extra calories, chasing Little Man around.
Month 7 - Army Crawler
Month 8 - Mover and a Shaker!
Photo Courtesy of Aunt Jill, Instagram - FUN babysitter award!
Month 9 - Wild Man
Month 7 - Army Crawler
Confessions – you are growing way too fast! This month you mastered the art of
speed army crawling. You aren’t much interested in actually crawling on your
hands and knees because army crawling is so much faster. You get SO excited for
bath time and now that you can sit up and crawl, you get the full bath
experience. As soon as we swing open the bathroom door (it has to remain closed
or you sneak in there) you motor across the living room for bath time!
Precious. You also have your first tooth, much to Mama’s surprise! You teethed
like a champ the first time around and that little pearly white popped up
without warning. Since that tooth came along, biting is becoming a frequent
occurrence. You bite Mama and she yells, you laugh. Headed to another cow show
this month. You’re taking these like a pro and I’m grateful because it is what
we love to do. You grow so much each and every day. You like to eat, but still
love to nurse. You’re up to 3 meals a day and take 5 6 oz bottles. This month
you had croup. We can’t wait for warm, germ free weather!
So Much Snow - he just wants to play in it!Month 8 - Mover and a Shaker!
Officially on
the MOVE! You’re up on all fours, crawling wherever you can manage to squeeze
your little self through. You love to crawl all over Mama and Daddy and you
think Daddy is particularly funny these days. We have video to prove that your
belly laugh is the sweetest sound on the planet. You have been thinking about
sleeping all night, but just can’t commit. Some nights we can make it to 4 or 5
in the morning without waking, but not every night. You really love to eat
sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, apples, bananas, carrots, parsnips, plums,
mango, and anything that is NOT green. Mama made you spinach this month and you
HATE it. If it is disguised in mango, it’s doable until you outsmart me and
then Mama gets more spinach on her face than you get in your mouth. You are
still in 9 month clothes, but we are pushing the seams in some things. You’ll
be in 12 month so soon! We’ve had some nice weather and you love to be outside.
You’re going to have a fair complexion so we will have to grease you up in
sunscreen when we start swimming. I think you will love to swim! Next month,
you’re going on an airplane! To Florida!
Photo Courtesy of Aunt Jill, Instagram - FUN babysitter award!
Month 9 - Wild Man
Pull up, sit
down, crawl around, pull up, sit down, crawl around, repeat. Welcome to our
lives! You love to move and shake whenever you get a chance. You pull up on
anything that appears sturdy. You crash and burn just to go right back at it.
We vacationed this month to see Great Grandpa and Grandma Hill and Great Aunt
Heidi. We took Grammy, Great Aunt Jackie, Katie, and Will. You and Will were so
good on the airplane! Sleeping, not so much. It was a quick trip, but we had a
great time. You love to try pieces of food cut up into tiny little bites and
you are so independent! You’d much rather feed yourself than be fed and love to
scream at the top of your lungs in your high chair. Chasing the dog is a
favorite past time, but he still isn’t a big fan. You are Mr. Destructible and
can clear tables, shelves, and an entire room in no time. Loading/Unloading the
dishwasher is such an entertaining challenge. You love to position yourself on
the dishwasher door and take out everything Mama puts in. Your favorite sounds
are da-da-da, ba-ba-ba, ga-ga-ga, and you save ma-ma-ma for special hours of
the day … Midnight to 4 am. Stats: 21 lbs 6 oz and 29” long!
One of my Faves - he's smiling at His Dada
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