Monday, April 14, 2014

Life's Purpose

Today I read a post on a friend's Facebook wall. As a fellow educator, someone had said some pretty hurtful things to her. It discouraged and disheartened me. It minimized what we do. You see, I'm just a teacher. I don't make much money. I'm just a teacher. My field is a "waste of time" and not a "good option" for graduating seniors. There's too much "Red Tape" in education. You mean, you're going to college to be a teacher?!?

Damn Right I am. I am so much more than "just" a teacher. I have a unique opportunity to see my "kids" in and outside of the classroom. I am an Agriculture teacher. It is my job to teach my students where their food comes from, to get their hands dirty, and to develop an understanding of both sides of the fence (producer and consumer). I am an FFA Advisor. I see these kids do things they never thought was possible, and do them well. I don't ever have to worry about fulfilling my contractual obligations because I'm there when the lights come on and well after the computer tells them that the school day is over. I'm so much more than "just a teacher". When kids come in my classroom, I ask them how they are and I genuinely mean it. I give them free days and work days and Fun Fridays because they need to learn those things too. But I'm not alone. I am surrounded by amazing educators every. single. day. We are just teachers, but we make a difference. Not every day, not with every kid, and not by 100% on every exam, but we do make a difference.

Tonight, I listened to 12 students participate in an interview. 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who were so nervous they were near tears as they answered questions about why the wanted to be an FFA Officer. Why they wanted to represent their chapter. They absolutely amazed me. I have never been more proud to "just be a teacher." Those 12 students reminded me exactly why I teach. It is who I am. It is who God created me to be and it is my purpose. When the day comes that I am no longer passionate about why I teach, I will consider other options.

Because even though I barely got to see my son for an hour today, it was all worth it. I can only hope that he is blessed with someone who chose to just teach when he goes to school. After all, that is exactly what he deserves.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Alright, that title might be a bit harsh. I am talking about myself, however, so someone needs to be harsh. Winter is always a motivation killer. No one wants to get outside in the nasty Indiana weather. Comfort food is calling. Days are short and gloomy. And those Holidays. #blegh! I am fairly certain that everything I worked off last summer, found its' way back with a buddy. I'd like to say I'm pretty pissed about it, but I enjoyed it. That, my friends, is sick...and embarrassing. Why did I choose to announce it on the world wide web? Accountability, I guess. I seriously can't be trusted. I ran 2.2 miles and did Yoga tonight and you know what I am thinking about? Double Stuffed Oreos #fatkidproblems Oh and there's ice cream in the freezer. I literally locked myself in our room the other day so I wouldn't be tempted to have dessert after dinner. See ya on My Strange Addiction... Kidding, kind of. I've been telling myself for the last month that it is time to get my ass in gear. I'll start tomorrow. every day. 

I know I can do this, I've done it before. I have to do it again. I promised myself I would start my second pregnancy lighter than the first. So, before I board the pregnancy band wagon, it really is time to shed these pounds. 25 of them have to go. I felt great when I got married and I want to feel that again. It's time. Not tomorrow, TODAY. The days are long enough that I can run after I put G to bed. I have enough Visalus shake mix to accomplish this goal and feel great while I do it. 

Please hold me accountable. Even if it might be harsh. I want this. Today's the day. Will you join me?